Can Dance Help My Child Perform Better in School?


dance lessons frederick md

Dance lessons provide children with a wide variety of benefits.

They remain physically active, improve their memories, learn new skills, and gain the confidence that comes with performing for audiences.

But a background in dance, even recreationally, can help your child succeed in the classroom and beyond.

Here are 4 ways dance classes can help improve your child’s academic performance:

Boosts Confidence

Learning physical and artistic skills gives children a sense of accomplishment and confidence.

Think about a time when you mastered something – Did that little boost of confidence extend into other areas of your life?

A child who’s able to work hard in the dance studio and remember the steps to a dance will leave with the feeling that they can translate those skills to school. This confidence can lead to increased participation in class discussion, better grasping of academic concepts, and increased performance on tests and projects.

Students who aren’t confident in themselves and their abilities are less likely to ask questions in class, meaning they are less likely to fully understand concepts before the class moves on to new ones. This can decrease overall academic performance as children grow older, decreasing positive academic outcomes.

Improves Focus & Attention

Kids can easily get antsy, especially after long hours sitting at a desk. Children who have attention challenges such as those with ADHD are even more prone to difficulties focusing during the school day.

Studies have shown a positive link between daily physical activity – dance or otherwise – and increased academic performance and attention in the classroom.

If a child gets regular physical activity through dance classes, they’re better able to focus their extra energy during the school day toward doing better on schoolwork. This improved attention gives better mastery of academic concepts, less time spent redirecting students, and overall improvements in classroom behavior.

Decreases Sick Days

Many children don’t get enough physical activity during the week, and decreased physical activity doesn’t just affect the waistline. It also can decrease the immune system’s ability to fight off colds, flu, and other illnesses.

This leads to less physically active children being ill more often and taking more sick days, missing out on classroom instruction and structure.

By remaining physically active through dance classes, kids are less likely to get sick. And when they do get sick, their recovery tends to be faster so they miss fewer days in the classroom.

Arts Education Boosts Academics

Arts education proponents have long said that exposure to the arts – dance, music, theater, and visual arts – improves performance in the classroom.

Thanks to the results of a study by the Brookings Institution in Houston, this connection seems to bear fruit.

Students who received arts education showed decreased classroom discipline issues, increased standardized writing scores, and an improvement in compassion for others.

Routine dance classes give children frequent exposure to the arts, providing long-term academic benefits to children.

Dance Classes for All Ages in Frederick, MD

At Dance Unlimited, it’s our goal to help your children – from toddlers to teens – get the high-quality dance education they need to succeed on the stage and in life. Our team of experienced dance professionals has the training and skill needed to give your child a great dance experience. Whether they want to dance for fun and fitness or to pursue a career in the arts, we’d love to have you! Schedule a tour of our studio today!